Key Benefits of SmartUrine

SmartUrine product
Saves time icon
Fast and accurate results
Fully-automated icon
Fully-automated with wireless data transmission
AI-capable icon
AI-capable urine analysis
Kidney health icon
Early detection and prevention of diseases
Eco-friendly icon
Significant reduction of single-use plastics
Accessible icon
Convenient and easy to use for all patient groups


What is SmartUrine?

SmartUrine is an IoT solution consisting of both hardware and software to automate and digitalize the urine test.

How to operate SmartUrine to do a urine test?

It is very simple to operate the SmartUrine solution. The hardware device can be easily attached to the toilet. After that, the only thing needed is to sit down and pee as normal. Everything else is taken care of automatically.

Who can use SmartUrine?

SmartUrine can be used by healthcare professionals to replace the manual lab required urine screening. The doctors/nurses can get instant real-time display of the results from their patients. SmartUrine can also be prescribed to the patients to bring home, so that the patients can be continuously monitored.

SmartUrine can also be used by individuals to track their overall health status and to give back nutrition advice.

Why use SmartUrine instead of the traditional urine test?

In the healthcare sector, though urine test is very simple, it takes a lot of manual handling time for the patients and the nurses, especially for those difficult categories such as kids, elderly, disables, pregnant women, etc, who are the majority of the people that undergo urine tests. With this approach, continuous monitoring is impossible.

SmartUrine can also save tons of plastic waste generated by the healthcare system, simply because we eliminate the use of one-time plastic cups for sampling the urine. This can lower the carbon footprint and have a positive impact on the environment.

How accurate it is?

The SmartUrine is as accurate as the current lab equipped urine test devices.

Is the data secured?

SmartUrine is compliant with GDPR. All patient data is saved either only on the local server from the healthcare provider or on a GDPR certified server in Sweden/Europe.

More questions?

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